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Shroud Studies

diploma in


The Science and Faith Institute of the Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum, in collaboration with Othonia, the International Center of Studies on the Shroud in Turin and the Giulio Ricci Diocesan Center of Sindonology of Rome is offering the sixth consecutive English edition of the Postgraduate Certificate in Shroud Studies, now in its thirteen edition in Italian and in its fourth edition in Spanish language.

This online program offers a panoramic view of several interrelated fields: theology, archaeology, history, physics, chemistry, forensic medicine, etc. The program is for priests, seminarians, consecrated men and women, lay apostles, professors, researchers, journalists – in short, anyone who desires a deeper grasp of Shroud studies, using an interdisciplinary approach.

academic program 2022-2023


Duration: The program is two semesters long.
Registration: From March 28 to October 31, 2022.


(October 2022 - January 2023)


Introduction to Shroud Studies

Bruno Barberis and Joseph Spence FFm


History of the Shroud

Flavia Manservigi


Pastoral and Biblical Approach to the Shroud

Andrew Dalton LC and collaborators



(February - May 2023) 


Scientific research on the Shroud; the STURP, history and results

Prof Barrie Schwortz


The Shroud and Archaeological Studies

Ada Grossi


The Shroud and Science

A series of conferences coordinated by Bruno Barberis

Papa Francisco.jpg

“We do not simply observe; we venerate. Ours is a prayerful gaze. I would say more: it is letting yourself to be gazed upon. This face has closed eyes; it is the face of one who is deceased. Yet, mysteriously, he looks at us, and, in the silence, he speaks to us. How is it possible? Why do people of faith, like you, want to pause before this icon of a man scourged and crucified? Because the Man of the Shroud invites us to contemplate Jesus of Nazareth. This image—impressed on the cloth—speaks to our heart and urges us to climb the Mount of Calvary, to look at the wood of the Cross, to immerse ourselves in the eloquent silence of love”.


- Pope Francis -         

Video message for the extraordinary exposition of the

Shroud of Turin, March 30, 2013.



First semester
(October 2022 – January 2023)


Introduction to the study of the Holy Shroud (3 ECTS)

Prof. P. Gonzalo Monzón LC


The course proposes a first systematic and interdisciplinary approach to the analysis of the Shroud of Turin. As a general presentation, it aims to offer a global vision of the most relevant areas of study that allow an initial knowledge of the document in view of a further deepening provided by the courses developed in the diploma course. The course consists of a preliminary approach to the challenges that the Holy Shroud poses to the intelligence without losing sight of its spiritual and theological meaning.




History of the Holy Shroud in the context of worship and Christian piety (3 ECTS)

Prof. Jorge Manuel Rodriguez


The course aims to document the fundamental milestones in the history of the Shroud from the evangelical era to the present day. Although it is really unusual to find written documents that would allow us to fully reconstruct this route, based on the identification between the Holy Shroud and the Image of Edessa, there are more than enough references and iconographic clues to achieve this goal. In this course, each of the elements within our reach will be carefully analyzed, assessing their probative nature.

The course will also focus on the parallelism between said history and the progressive appearance of various iconographic types referring to the figure of Jesus, noting how the Shroud has influenced them, sometimes directly and sometimes indirectly.




Pastoral and biblical approach to the Holy Shroud (3 ECTS)

Prof. P. Andrew Dalton LC

This course focuses on the biblical theology of the Passion of Christ. The four canonical gospels constitute the main source material, but the entire biblical canon also provides essential context. Shroud studies cannot be content with questions about the authenticity of the cloth. It is also not enough to investigate what the man on the Shroud suffered from a forensic perspective. As essential as these and other issues are, the empirical sciences are unable to discern the deeper theological reasons for the Passion. Only divine revelation, received from the apostles and transmitted by the Church, can achieve this end. This course attempts to bridge the gap between scientific observation and theological interpretation. Students will learn not only what Christ suffered during each stage of the Passion, but also why He did it.



Second semester
(February – May 2023)


Scientific research on the Shroud; the STURP, history and results (2 ECTS)

Prof Barrie Schwortz


The objective of this course is to provide students with a clear overview of the STURP team and its members, the genesis and history of the team, the level of depth of their previous preparation, their actual examination of the fabric in October 1978 and the resulting scientific documents generated from their work and subsequently published in specialized scientific journals. His work and accumulated conclusions form the primary database of credible scientific knowledge that exists today in the scientific literature and points to the authenticity of the Shroud.

Course in English with simultaneous translation into Spanish.




The Shroud and archaeological studies (2 ECTS)

Dr. Maria Luz Mangado


The course offers the deepening of some studies in order to interpret the evidence of the Holy Shroud in relation to historical, archaeological knowledge and in some literary aspects and the passages of the Holy Scriptures.

The course provides insight into Hebrew embalming during the first century, a historical analysis of the main phases of the passion and crucifixion of Jesus Christ, the exciting history of the transfer of the Holy Shroud as one of the most revered relics in the history of Christianity, as well as as its study from the discipline of archeology and anthropology. During the course, the excavations carried out in the Holy Sepulcher will also be discussed and the works of an archaeological historical nature of other relics such as the Oviedo shroud or the unique study of other Palestinian shrouds from the 1st century, recently published, will be exhibited. The results obtained with new technologies applied to archeology and history will be presented.


The Shroud and science (3 ECTS)

Cycle of conferences coordinated by Prof. P. Rafael Pascual LC


Diploma Coordinator

Rafael Pascual LC


Scientific Committee of the Diploma

Nello Balossino, Bruno Barberis, Gianfranco Berbenni, Antonio Cassanelli, Andrew Dalton, Rafael de la Piedra, Adolfo Orozco, Rafael Pascual, Jorge Manuel Rodríguez, Gian Maria Zaccone.


Professors and lecturers

Bruno Barberis, Andrew Dalton, Rafael de la Piedra, Paolo Di Lazzaro, Ramón Gutiérrez Arias, Felipe Latapí, Maria Luz Mangado, Gonzalo Monzón, Alfonso Muñoz-Cobo, Adolfo Orozco, Rafael Pascual, Jorge Manuel Rodríguez, Alfonso Sánchez Hermosilla, Barrie Schwortz .



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